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C-Tech 2022

Cliente: NOS Telecomunicações SA para projeto de I&D C-Tech


O projeto internacional C-Tech visa pesquisar, desenvolver e colocar em escala piloto uma plataforma digital de cidade inteligente para modelação e planeamento urbano que, baseada numa representação tridimensional da cidade e na sua combinação com múltiplos dados de diferentes fontes de dados (de domínios como clima, consumo de energia e água, mobilidade e, acima de tudo, comportamento do utilizador determinado pela utilização do telemóvel), permitirá simular cenários relativos à eficiência energética dos edifícios, estruturas verdes, criação e mobilidade urbana, capacitando as autoridades locais para identificar e abordar questões ambientais específicas, superando o desafio global de diminuir a pegada de carbono urbana e promovendo a transição para um ecossistema líquido zero.

Logos barra fundo branco copy scaled 1
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C-tech's top expression

The emphasis is on the “architectural structure of 3D urban modeling of buildings and streets” in Work Package 2. It is a highly evolved and highly differentiating function and, as it covers all subsequent intervention areas, it will be the main feature of the C-Tech’s logo. Another relevant feature in WP2 is the “implementation of the urban infrastructure model based on the archetypes and the information collected.” By definition, an archetype is a concept that represents the model of something. 3D modeling is developed, by itself, from the drawing of archetypes, because it is from basic shapes (e.g. square, triangle, circle…) that we build complex shapes, as if it were a lego or a sculpture.

the process

After deciding which way to go, it was time to explore how to get there. For this we explore different techniques and methodologies based on an experimental process (Lego® Serious Play®) to stimulate dialogue, encourage reflection and the use of imagination.
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The bottom view of the object is intended to simulate the user’s view when watching a building from the ground.

evolution and refinement

The result was still not close to the final image that reflects “building”, “energy” and “data”. We went further to represent these relevant elements.

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The final step.


From a color base selected from an image representing the main concept, the colors are identified and then their saturation and brightness are fine-tuned.

Eco architecture. Green cafe with hydroponic plants on the facade. Ecology and green living in city, urban environment concept. Modern building covered green plant. Abstract background.

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Brand icon behavior on light and dark background.

Word mark

A brand sharped icon calls for a strong brand description. For this we had to spend some time studying a well-balanced sans serif font that would allow us to create differentiating elements.
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final guidelines

the wp (work packages)

Defining the system and colors.
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app example


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Website development on the WordPress platform. With blog and archive.

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